
VPSCAN:   EVD(Explosives vapor detector)

VPSCAN is the only EVD in the world with a sensitivity level of 0.01ppq (10^-17) atmospheres

This unprecedented detection limit is the result of an optimal integration of our DMA technology with other instruments and more than 15 years of testing.

Don’t be fooled! Detection of RDX, PETN, or Heroin in a large volume such as a sea container is only possible using a technology capable of detecting 10^-17 atm = 17 fg/m3.

Developed in collaboration with relevant international stakeholders

MION E11/E12: Ultra-low noise electrometer

MION E12 is a MION Faraday cage electrometer with an RMS noise level of 0.15 fA.

Two options are commercially available:
– 10^12 V amplification with 100 ms full rise time.
– 10^11 V amplification with <13 ms full rise time.

Contact us for more information.

MION E11-E12
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